Reality is...we know less than we think we do, do less than we need to do, and feel as though no one else can tell us what we ought to do. The reality in that is that we spend most of our lives trying to figure out who we were made to be and what we were made to do....all in all not really knowing ourselves as well as we think we do.
Reality is...we're not supposed to be comfortable. Each time we start to feel comfortable physically our bodies change and forcibly place us in situations of discomfort. Learning to walk and subsequently fall. The agonizing pain of teething. The psychological challenges of puberty. All things are necessary parts of growth.
That's why there's an eeriness to placidity. When things are completely still, with no disruption, and no movement....sounds like death. Even in our sleep we move because reality is we have to.
There's growth in education, whether you're the teacher or the student. We're created to be both...but reality is...we don't know how...and we're the reason why we don't.