What do I want? Where do I want to be? God, I just want to get your work done and not have to work for man anymore. I want to continue having an abundance of love to give. I don't ever want to get tired of people again. I truly love them all and how unique you've made all of us. I really want a husband though God. If not a husband, just someone that's going to be there. I know you are the only one that's going to always be there but if I could have someone there a good amount of the time, I'd be happy. Let him be handsome, strong minded and strong physically - just able to support me. Let him know who you are. Let him know who he is, and let him know who I am. Don't let him doubt me. I'm tired of being doubted. Let us have all we need and never let money become an issue in my life God, or anyone else around me please. Allow me to have a family and not struggle to provide their needs. Just hold me close God. Please don't let me go again. Thank you for saving me. Thank you for sending help. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for whatever is coming.