My Jade..
"A smooth caramel complexion..
Almond eyes, small in size..
Gorgeous smile..
The mind of an intellectual coupled with the passion of an poet inspired.."
This.. was my imagined architecture of your uncompromised structure that was to be in company within 9 months..
I dreamed of the nights when the slow creeking of my bedroom door
Would signal your otherwise silent presence
Maneuvering under the veil of your favorite blanky across the floor in search of refuge from the Boogeyman's reach..
Maybe I did get ahead of myself by falling behind the lines at Walmart
Collecting a full shopping cart for the "Back to School" sale..
I figured I'd get your Crayola half-price,
That way, your classmates wouldn't even have to ask twice
About your artistic capability that you were bound to possess
But then, my unborn princess
I recognized error in thought process......
I never considered the prospect of you being male
My young Kal-El..
"Heir to my throne and presider over reign
Bearer of legacy and carrier of name
Towering beacon of charisma and fortitude..
Respected AND Respectful.."
Counterfeit flash forward scenes displayed the sight of you catching your first pigskin pass
Followed by an accomplishing laugh that warmed my heart like a Snuggie
My Princess..
My Young Hero..
I.. I love you
I love you though I was never given chance to hold you within the grip of my arms..
Never gifted opportunity to customize bedside tales for your ears only
Never granted fortune.. of fatherhood..
I shed a pint of tears every night I hear silence in place of your voices..
Poorly made choices interrupted the awaiting, weighted rejoices that would come attached to your arrival..
Your survival.. inhibited by annexed inhibitions
Result of poor nutrition of a relationship craving nourishment
We dropped the gifts that heaven sent and I can only pray God forgives us..
Ironically, your unlived life will outlive us..
My Princess..
My Young Hero..
You already have obtained what we so desperately yearn for..
Significance in time forever
Existing in history without ever making impression in the sands of age or experiencing expiration..
You live without death..
Live on