The last journal I had was full of nasty things. I made note of the boys that noticed me and what I thought of them and what transpired among us. My mom found it and that was the end of that. My interactions with man/men have been so informative. I've learned a lot from mistakes that have been made, words that haven't been said, and hurts that I've caused and endured. People are so interesting. Answers can lie in front of a person for years before that person decides to acknowledge them as correct. But everything takes time and more importantly, patience. My patience is growing thanks to God. I have a greater sense of urgency, but I'm learning not to rush. "Fate will unwind as it must..." I still love that quote, but - I also believe and accept it now. God has a plan for my life and for the lives of those around me. I just gotta pay attention and keep moving