Endless Thoughts
This blog is organized chaos, in other words life. All of the words here are inspired by reality, my life and the lives of others. You'll be surprised, offended, enlightened, and entertained...enjoy...Diary of Me =) (please feel free to ask questions, share, and leave comments)
Sunday, June 25, 2017
Felt the need to post it twice
Tuesday, May 03, 2016
"You are my everything"
You are my everything =) You are the only one who can tear me down and pick me back up. You are life unimagineable. You changed me and showed me your mercy and your grace and the love that I've always wanted. You have changed me with your heart and your intent to love me and willingness to serve me as a servant of you. You are everything - my everything. Thank you.
Monday, May 02, 2016
I know that the enemy is attacking me Lord, but I also know that no weapon formed against me shall prosper. "I will call on the lord who is worthy to be praised: so shall I be saved from mine enemies." I will not be defeated in Jesus' name. There is a call on my life to do more and although I know not what it is - I'm here and I'm ready, waiting patiently (or as patiently as possible) for you. Have your way God. I love you more than anything because of all you've done for me, all you're doing, and all you're going to do.
Thank you
Psalm 18:3
Sunday, May 01, 2016
Since you keep asking God...I want a job that allows me to work in my own space, doing things that I'm good at - talking to people and/or creating things. I want to be surrounded by older people whom I can learn from and younger people that I can learn from. I want to be able to dress how I want to a certain extent and I want to make enough to cover what I need and to save. I don't want to be far from home and I want the job to do what it was created to do...in Jesus name...if I had my own office again I'd be happy - a job where I'm trusted to get my work done independently. I guess I don't really want this Red Lobster job, but I'm thankful for it and still excited about what's to come from it.
Saturday, April 30, 2016
11-23-2015 "Thanks..."
Thanks for the job God. I'm too focused on the negative and what I don't have. It's been a very different way of living - not having - and having to depend on people. Thank you for allowing me to have a friend here with me...even if he doesn't really want to be here, thank you. I pray for everybody else I call a friend or that has called me friend. I believe that everything happens for a reason and that I am still on this Earth for a reason.
You made me with a heart for people and patience for people and I thank you for that. I don't know where I'd be without you God. I don't know where I'd be at all. Right now - you're shining grace on me and mercy and [I] appreciate it all and I know that things are getting better. I know that things aren't always easy but I do believe in your word and your promises. I've seen them come true for so many and I believe that you'll do the same for me too. Thanks you for life. Thank you for opportunity. Thank you for tomorrow. Things will be better.

Friday, April 29, 2016
Today is a new day God. I mean that more than I've ever meant it before lol. It's funny that it's the 8th too - the number of new beginnings. I'm excited about it. I want to be sad - my flesh wants to cry and throw tantrums and scream and be angry - but I know that great things are in store for me. They always are. I just get so impatient and I just want everything right now...still do...but I must realize that I do have everything because I have God. I believe you'll get me through whatever it is that I face. With you all things are possible. That is why I've failed for so long. I've been relying too heavily on man and they have not ceased to let me fall but they've also lifted me up and drawn me closer to you. I thank you for all of them God and for the life I have now. I wouldn't change it for anything in the world. More of you is all I want God and all I ask. I love you God in the name of Jesus.
(Why does this pen ink keep changing colors? lol)
(Happy Birthday Great-Grandma)
Thursday, April 28, 2016
11-5-2015 part 2
I know I'm not supposed to understand everything...but that ain't you God. It's sometimes hard to tell where you truthfully reside. I catch glimpses of you. Whether or not it's reality or my own will is the question. I try to see the best in all people and acknowledge the potential they have to get there. But if they refuse to grow, there's just nothing I can do right? Just pray for them. God grant my loved ones the gift of forgiveness. The ability to look past the flaws of the flesh and see you. I truly am sorry. You know my conscious mind does not behave that way. Have your way God.
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
I don't know how tired you want me to be. I don't know what else you want me to give up. I feel more and more like I don't want want to live while waiting for whatever or whoever. Help is needed. You are needed. I should be saying that to myself. Lead the way - I trust you. Just tired...really tired.
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
11-1-2015 part 2
WTF God? lol come on son....(please)
Monday, April 25, 2016
I've been on a spiritual trip for about a month now God. I've cried a lot of tears...tears of sadness, tears of joy, tears of remembrance...and through it all you've shown yourself to be true. During this time I've done things I've never done before and you've protected me and kept me safe and for that I thank you. I truly owe my life to you God and I'm ready for you to take complete control. I'm working to deny my flesh the pleasures that it enjoys in hopes that you will provide me with something greater...something that I've never felt before. I want to be comfortable and maintain the peace you've given me in order for your will to be done. But you know what I want God. More importantly, you know what I need. I want what I need now more than ever. Please guide me to where I'm supposed to go. I'll follow you. I am ready to love...you.

Sunday, April 24, 2016
Saturday, April 23, 2016
Forever Yours 10.25.15
I'm so glad I made it God. Everything I do. I want to do for you God. I was made to worship you and you alone God. I don't have to do anything I don't want to. But, I want to do those things for you God. If you ask me to - for you - I'll do it. For you I will. You're so amazing God. And I can't tell you enough, how much I love you. I am ready for a new life with you. I'm ready to do your work. I want to do your work.
Forever Yours,
Friday, April 22, 2016
I ain't stupid God. You know that though. You've built me from scraps of much rubble. fallen pieces and fragments of something much larger. You. God you are bigger than all of us and none of this would be possible without you. The choices we have to make in life are never easy. Things can be hard, but they won't be for long. You make it so that it's not. I'm gon be alright alone or with you. I'll only last so long by myself though without crying. I'll survive. I'll still live and work - but I'll feel empty doing it alone, or if I have no one to share it with. But, I know that I have the world now. I know that I was created to do big things. Thank you God.
Love you
Peace =)
Thursday, April 21, 2016
I'm tired. Haven't been to sleep and I'm just tired. I probably am being selfish but why shouldn't I be. Nobody seems to want to look at the bigger issues. Just the things that involve them personally. I'm not going to speak just because I am able. I should have something to say. I could've sat and sang all night, but I can do that at home. Only difference is getting paid for it. I don't want to entertain people though. What do I look like telling everyone else to shut up so I can talk.
Not sure if I've mentioned that I'm manic-depressive...
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
"What do I want?" 10.19.2015
What do I want? Where do I want to be? God, I just want to get your work done and not have to work for man anymore. I want to continue having an abundance of love to give. I don't ever want to get tired of people again. I truly love them all and how unique you've made all of us. I really want a husband though God. If not a husband, just someone that's going to be there. I know you are the only one that's going to always be there but if I could have someone there a good amount of the time, I'd be happy. Let him be handsome, strong minded and strong physically - just able to support me. Let him know who you are. Let him know who he is, and let him know who I am. Don't let him doubt me. I'm tired of being doubted. Let us have all we need and never let money become an issue in my life God, or anyone else around me please. Allow me to have a family and not struggle to provide their needs. Just hold me close God. Please don't let me go again. Thank you for saving me. Thank you for sending help. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for whatever is coming.

Monday, April 18, 2016
Day Five - 10.18.2015
Anyway...here's what I wrote the fifth day...
It's funny that I explain my relationship with my first love as consistently inconsistent. I fall in and out of love all too often. It never dawned on me...until now...that I fall in and out of my faith as well. God can, will, and is making LIFE happen. Whether it be good or bad in my eyes, it's been orchestrated or ordained by God. I'm thankful for this realization. This new hope and this new love. LOL and I love how everything happens whether or not we want it to happen. We're not in control of anything. We have a choice but that is the choice of having one...or not...truly putting everything in God's hands and just living. BUT listening, staying focused, and practicing patience. Man...God is good =)

Sunday, April 17, 2016
Saturday, April 16, 2016
10-9-15 "I'm in love..."

I'm in love. I woke up with a smile today. I'm happy. Not even knowing what the day is going to bring. I'm excited about it. I see myself in the future and the future is bright. The possibilities are endless. Anything I want, is already mine. I don't have to look anymore. I don't have to worry about what ifs. I just have to keep listening and living. My eyes have to stay open in order to see. By having my eyes open, even those things that are invisible begin to manifest and become reality. Dreams are tangible. I've been waking up next to one for the past few days. I never even saw it before. And what's crazy about that is that it was right there for so long. The decisions we make can impede us. Life can catch us off guard if we let it...but we should always be expecting. What- is not even a question because that doesn't matter. Faith shows us that it's impossible to fail. But in faith, we can't lead ourselves. We don't have the final say. We choose whether or not to accept it. We choose whether or not we love. We choose to live.
Friday, April 15, 2016
God... I
Have your way God...I don't know my destination. I keep trying to choose and decide but that's for you to do God. I'm glad that I can at least recognize that now.
Thursday, April 14, 2016
Intro/10-6-2015...Day One
I feel like it's been forever since we've spoken. During our time apart I've written a lot of letters that, opposite of this one, were written to God. Prayers are intimate things, some of these letters essentially being those..., God has led me to share with you. I don't want to say too much else, except that, although I wrote these, I hope they benefit you.
#Love #Peace #Progression
Life doesn't seem real anymore.
For the past few days - I've been in purgatory. I've been forced to reconsider what life is and what it really means to live. I don't feel comfortable anymore. I honestly am on the verge of tears. I feel pressure from all different directions. I have no job, no money, and no plans. I want to make plans, but would almost prefer if they were made for me. I know that I have no control over what happens, the people that surround me, or the environment and how it receives me. I just know that I'm alive. Well....I think I'm alive.
I question if this is what death feels like though. The world is rotating around me. It would appear as though all of those things are working together to decide my fate. I feel sorry...lost...sad...excited - it's definitely a mixture. God is real. He has a plan. But I have to acknowledge his voice in order to walk the right direction. I don't know who I'll face in the end or when the end is coming, but now is the time to get ready. I want a husband. I want children. I see that there are several prospects. I'm growing impatient, but I have no choice but to wait.

Monday, January 18, 2016
S/O to MLK
Check out http://theofficialps.wix.com/paradigmshift to find the link on my exclusive page!!!!! (I think that's the link) I appreciate your support. Like, comment, share....Love!!!!!!
Friday, January 15, 2016
Monday, January 11, 2016
It's Never Too Late
I haven't done it in awhile but I don't know when's the last time I did it.
I love doing it...
but it's bad for me.
It makes me feel good...
but my parents don't like it
Honor thy father and thy mother right?
I don't know what my life would be like without it
I don't know if I can live without it
I don't want to live without it for the rest of my life
Help me.
It's that simple.
Just ask for some help
If you can't do it alone....
Someone will help you
Coming Soon...
Happy Monday!
Sunday, January 10, 2016
but sometimes I remember
I've done this before
Good morning all. Stay motivated. Stay peaceful. Stay encouraged. Be patient. Be you.
Saturday, January 09, 2016
What Do I Deserve?
That's exactly why I feel good about me though. People typically have nice things to say about me.
There is a "me"in team....
Just spelled wrong and with space in between and backwards. But that's other people's saying...not really mine.
I don't think I have a saying for this.
Don't we all like I though? Aren't we supposed to love ourselves? Shouldn't I want great things for myself?
Of course I should...because I deserve it.
But...you deserve it too =)
Friday, January 08, 2016
Soooo I watched Chiraq the other day...
The purpose of Chiraq was not to educate people...but it was. That's my take on it.
The movie itself is what sends a message. People didn't support it because they thought it would be trash right? But so what if it was. Especially in the midst of all this black powerness. Spike Lee is a historical figure. In my eyes...mind you I haven't seen many "black" movies. But I've seen a decent amount of Spike, not even knowing that I have I'm sure...and I rocks with him. He got money...I don't. He put a lot of familiar faces in that movie...that I know personally...aren't we supporting those people? If not someone please explain to me the movie industry and how all of that works because I don't get it. Aren't we supporting the people that make them or is it just the story.
People speak a lot of "game," but do they really represent that life. Are they bout that life? Are we about that life?
I don't think we as a people are because if we as a people were we'd be supporting one another and assisting one another to prosper. But maybe people are really that selfish. Maybe people are really that scared. Maybe people are smart and I'm dumb...I don't know. But I know that Spike Lee can do something that I don't and won't do. I know Bill Cosby can do something I don't and won't do...and I love them because they can do those things...period. What types of lives do they live though? What are they doing for our people?
Better question is what are you doing? And why?
Oh yea...Music was DOPE!!!!!!!!
And that's the bottom line cuz...(real ones know)
Thursday, January 07, 2016
Is the space you're in affecting you?
Find me
Instinctively we look to our surroundings assuming that a piece of us has been misplaced amongst the weather changes and tradgedies
Sadly we find no trace
So we...look at the lives of those around us, those we've found and befriended and those that have found us looking for familiarity in their faces, their embraces, their conversations, and their touch
What's there?
Nothing much.
Not us.
Not what we're looking for or have lost, but there we at least find fragments of our own hearts that we've given away or invested and can feel a slight sense of completion
Saturday, November 28, 2015
I refuse to let you kill me
Wounded and scarred...
Bounded and bruised...
I'm too strong
Watch me fight back watch me claw
Get mauled
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
Sunday, November 15, 2015
My Trip
A couple weeks ago I was in the mental hospital.
The diagnosis was that I was on drugs and trippin basically.
But, to tell you all the truth...the trip didn't begin when everyone thinks it did.
I had been on my journey for awhile
Detaching myself from things and people
But towards a happier place...
It was the sweet outdoors...
and love was floating around all in it.
I was at such a peace.
Everything I saw was beautiful.
I didn't think anything of it because I knew that I was on my way towards some good news.
Everything that I could ever want or ask for was at the end of this journey and I just had to push forward.
Till I got there...
Being there helped me to understand what my problems and issues were, and not only that but to approach them and deal with them better so that the consequences hurt less.
That place became home to me.
A place for learning, a place for achieving and overcoming...
a place that's okay to visit but not okay to dwell for too long.
And to this day, I believe that it was just God's voice that I was following.
Long story short...
I'm saved.
Wednesday, November 04, 2015
On Facebook, I posted a note about how I felt like I wasn't black.
It's about a month or so later and I can definitely say I'm feeling it now.
Living in Chicago has been a new experience for me. New but at the same time very familiar. I grew up in the South Suburbs, got into my fair share of trouble, hung out with the "wrong" people, but lived a decent life. I witnessed the police bein on bull with some of my friends, experienced them being of no help to me when I needed it, got followed in stores, all that good stuff and never argued with the fact that I was black.
For some reason going to college changed everything. Prior to college I had a lot more white friends...I don't think I hardly made any in college. There was definite segregation. Being involved in the black community and watching it transform, I began to separate myself from everyone. I didn't want to be "black" anymore.
Now when I say that, I don't mean it in the sense that I was ashamed of my race, or where I came from, or that I wanted to change anything at all about who I am/was. I just didn't want to be herded into a group or be generalized. I get upset when people talk about women as though we're all the same too, and that's how I felt. We're all individuals and I couldn't bring myself to carry the same concerns or to be focused on the same trends as everyone else unless I believed in them or cared for them. But everything was becoming the same. Black people were trapping themselves in a place where there was so much diversity and knowledge to be gained. I still struggle with it but....I've definitely grown to appreciate all the differences within black culture and outside of our culture...and also not speak as though I don't understand because I do understand. We are all different, come from different places and ave different struggles.
At the end of the day I am black.
Black Lives Matter
There are a lot of black people that don't do ish.
There are lot of geniuses in the black community.
There are a lot of people that look at being black as a problem...
I didn't want to be black because we were becoming the problem.
But I'm proud to be black because how I represent myself....although small in comparison to the larger community have the potential to change it.
(Here's my post from Facebook)
I don't feel black.
I don't even know how to define black culture.
Aside from naturally looking different, our music, and maybe some of our homecookin...I don't know what else it is
Maybe because I grew up with white friends
Listened to "white people" music
And only knew about being black from school.
I didn't really watch TV...
Pretty much only heard the music that was played on the radio.
But I didn't see color.
I still don't.
I see people and people with issues.
People who discriminate and are racist, angry, ignorant, selfish, impatient, misinformed, misguided, and need help.
White people.
Black people.
All people.
Most issues being faced today require and effect all people.
I'm sorry but I do not have faith that the black population will come together and make their situation...our situation...better.
Are they able to? Yes.
Black people, whenever there is community, are capable of transgressing as history has shown.
But history has also shown us how often that that has occurred.
The blame can't be entirely on everybody else because
meanwhile, with blacks lacking consistent unification...
those Jim Crow laws have undergone transformation and are lowkey running this entire nation.
It's more than police brutality
Ya'll think this stuff just started happening
Folks die everyday.
The media has been and is still controlling what you see...
Most folks out here are motivated by rage and anger because of it
Why not just be motivated by the right to be free?
To be a human being?
To breathe.
I can't breathe by having to identify as black on everything...but maybe that's just me.
I don't know enough about my heritage to comfortably claim anything.
I'm still learning.
While doing that I'm fighting for what I feel is right and speaking against what I feel is wrong, but last I checked right and wrong wasn't divided racially.
Ya know...I think I'm Native American actually and African American secondly, but I was born in Germany so I could even argue that as my nationality.
What really does any of it mean?
It's just an easy way for someone else to define me...
even though who raised us and where we grew up more accurately display who we're going to be.
Honestly though...
I'm sorry
this is just stuff I needed to get off my chest....
this is stuff that I believe.
I feel lost.
Stuck in the midst of all this chaos.
But it's not new to me.
I just don't understand why,
if we want to be treated equal,
that we don't remove the adjectives
and just be people.
Friday, August 21, 2015
Everybody Learns and Communicates Differently
Monday, July 13, 2015
I can't read your mind.
What you don't say will forever go unheard and misinterpreted as long as you continue to give some but not all of you. You speak in fragments, you start a sentence but never insert punction, you use symbols to say something but you're only using them to draw a picture.
...creating landscape images...
Plains, mountains, waterfalls...peace.
So many places i want to go with you, things I want to see,
air I want to taste...
I want you to breathe.
Let out the words you've been choking on for so long.
Say what you mean...
Allow yourself to interact with me naturally and just be.
Assuming that is what you want....
i could be wrong...
Saturday, July 11, 2015
I just be writin.....
Friday, July 03, 2015
blinded by imperfection despite the fact that they see 20/20...
there's nothing to be mistaken or interpreted incorrectly...
it just is what it is...
nothing more, nothing less,
but never just you....
because that aint how our vision works....
we see others...
others see us....
and we search for our reflection in them...
in the people around us...
in nature....
and in life.
What you find is what you allow yourself to see.
Vision impairment can b corrected...is it always....no?
But it can be.
Sunday, May 10, 2015
Wednesday, May 06, 2015
1:35am on a Tuesday
Something I dream about more awake than I do while sleeping even though most believe it's something that they're consciously feeling and seeing...
Love has no physical characteristic, so how can we possibly know what it is,...Love?
You don't decide.
You don't get to choose.
You don't get to pick with love.
You just do it.
Not even knowing what it is....
we must know and remember...
we have the power
and the strength
To Love.
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Sunday, April 19, 2015
February 18, 2015 @ work
Torn down, beaten, neglected, and abused...
but indestructible.
Strong enough to make others believe
But weak enough to crumble with a single touch
A beautiful flower - now withered,
but still rooted in hopes of rebirth.
Potential defined.
Denied the opportunity to experience life...
To grow...
To just be...
Some there's no saving....trying to find themselves...
wandering aimlessly...refusing help...ready to give up.
For them it's hard to hope
In them it's hard to believe
But change is unpredictable, always attainable, and infinite in its existence when someone reaches deep within them-self or decides to reach out.
To Believe....
Saturday, April 18, 2015
Past.Present.Future Love
I spend a lot of time thinking about you...
I wonder...
Have the thoughts of you ever escaped my mind?
These thoughts resurface and the feelings I once felt become tangible again.
I smile.
I laugh.
I remember.
And I still love.
Despite forced distances we've managed to keep in touch, our reaches extended equally, though that's never been enough to really feel anything.
We still love.
We still grasp and hold tight to the understanding that us together just seems right.
We want it to be what it was, and what it was was unfinished.
So I wonder....
what will we become?
Thursday, April 16, 2015
Cotton Club Performance 2k12
But while they're doing that, what is it that we're aspiring to be?
Yes "I am a woman phenomenally, phenomenal woman that's me," but what good is that if it's not something the world can see.
We are the generation that has the potential to make change.
The future lies within us and it truly pisses me off to see folks consistently tryna make dollars instead.
Yes Cash Rules Everything Around Me C.R.E.A.M., but this is life not a mug filled with caffeine.
Invest yourself in people cuz when you do it in banks nothing is really that interesting.
Do something more.
Learn something more.
Be something more.
Obama made history but us Kanyes out here doing it everyday and don't need a month will never get mentioning unless we're doin it for real.
Talk is cheap which definitely ain't a good deal; I'll use coupons on a shrink if I wanted that, someone to act like they care how I feel.
We need some repair, some restoration, rejuvenation.
We need everyone to get up and help rebuild this broke down nation.
Through the arts they made a difference back in the renaissance which you've seen; and through the decades when black power was their thing.
But today is a new day.
People are sick, sad, and hungry,
You wanna sit at the grown up table but what are you gonna bring?
The time is now and I'm just here asking how?
How are you gonna do better? How are you gonna inspire others? How are you gonna be different?
How are YOU gonna be the the change you wanna see?
Saturday, April 11, 2015
To dope...for this.
I'm the type of person that frees criminals because I see the imprisonment taking place in their mental state.
These people can't understand. They can't relate to common sense, they hate the world and fight in their own defense because they do not know true love.
They're not allowed to receive hugs...but they see that other people do.
They get kisses too.
But who wouldn't wanna wipe out the whole world by simply attacking our youth?
It's the lower class people that have parents who believe only white folks can b lethal and also anyone who points out that we are not all equals. That we are all different, we all have a deficit, we can't be equivalent, we're not positive people but we're the answer to this simple mathematical equation.
A negative and a negative equals more negative,...the cycle's repetitive. So why not support the people that we define in our minds, probably because in our own minds we're held captive with the same strength we have to find freedom.
Simply reading,...but beyond just the letters and symbols and other physical representations.
Using our imaginations but creating the world we want to live in.
Every person, is a prisoner because who you are is within.
#PS #MoretoCome #LovePeaceProgressionLive
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Mirror Work
Sometimes you just have to face the facts.
Admit to yourself that you messed up,
that you let yourself down,
that you can't blame anyone but yourself,
that you made the decision!
But also that you're human...
We all do it.
Own up to it.
You'll be forgiven by those that really love you.
Thursday, March 26, 2015
Moment of Remembrance
Saturday, March 21, 2015
Thursday, February 19, 2015
Good Evening.
Sunday, February 15, 2015
These keys hold freedom in their possession.
They lock in the depressed and are the source of my oppression,
I spend 40 plus hours a week redirecting
and trying to give people hope
in a place that sees no purpose in perpetuating progression
but rather making money off of special kids who need help dealing with life lessons
....these keys are weapons.
Harming to those that hold them and painful to those left behind because when the door to the outside closes it's magnetized, and both sides realize that this barricade exists not only physically but also in their minds.
..mine saying...
how could you?
Make these kids slaves, lock them up like they're caged, call them by patients and problems instead of by their names while the other side in their mind says...
I'm never leaving this place,
I'm tired of seeing the same faces, but I want to know what it's like, I need some space...
is this what my whole life will be like?
Keys open doors.
who is holding the key to yours?
the key to your life...
the keys to your home...???
Thursday, January 29, 2015
Happy Birthday Father =)
Dear Father,
I love you.
When I was younger, I will admit, I disregarded your existence. Partly because I didn't want to be hurt is why I did that, but mainly because I didn't understand. But dad...you are a great man. As humans, none of us are perfect. But as children, which we all are, we hold expectations of perfection from those who parent us. It takes a certain level of maturity to love unconditionally, and that's what my love for you is now. We know what we've been through but I'm still your daughter and I still love you. I know feelings are mutual when I say that there's nothin I wouldn't do for you. I'm glad to be where we are. I'm happy to have your nose and your freckles and your feet. I'm happy to be me- and I'm only me because of you. Thank you...and i thank God for you. This is long overdue but here's your birthday letter. I wrote mom a couple when I was younger and you and I were distant but happy birthday pops, hope to see you soon and always, always, always...love you.
Danitra (Neeti)...your baby
Saturday, January 17, 2015
Love is a verb
Friday, January 16, 2015
Sunday, December 28, 2014
Thank God for saving my life. I know I'm not the only one who has questioned their purpose here. I know I'm not the only one who has asked why to answers given and things we cannot change. I've cried for understanding and to be understood...to know why God has kept me so long through what has seemed like hell on earth. Deep down I think we all know why... there's something deep within that drives each of us and terrifies us to think about all at the same time. Our biggest fears tend to be our deepest desires. Typically it's those who do what we're afraid to do that inspire as we believe we're incapable. But there are always things that you can do that someone else can't; know that you are inspirational too...someone looks up to you, but you gotta be here for them to. Once you're gone the memory of you lives on but there's no one here to show them what to do and how to push through. I know I've made it far, moreover I know it's been hard, but I'm still here and it's time to stop sleeping on my dreams and make them reality. I take two steps forward and three steps back so frequently but I'm no longer settling, I'm not giving up, I know I'm still progressing. You can't let go of what you love although it's a struggle to love it, it'll help guide you to where you want to be and you'll be thankful because of it. Be thankful because it's a blessing to be alive...to feel, to heal, to create, to survive...we're power filled people...gifted with choice. Our minds are things that cannot be changed, not even by God himself, he gave us that before he gave us anything else. So decide on something and stop asking why...give yourself a reason to want to live your life, ask and God will supply. I almost didn't make it...to be honest...I wanted to die...but ain't no time like God's timing, patience surmounts pride, you'll get where you want to be. Just appreciate what you have, look forward to where you're going, fight for what u want, LOVE, don't be afraid and don't stop living.
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
My thoughts...
Sunday, November 16, 2014
Sunday, November 02, 2014
Friday, October 17, 2014
For the Hurt 10-28-12
When God created me, he built me with the capability to be anything I wanted to be. He gave me hands so that I could write, fight, and feel. He gave me feet so that I could walk, pave pathways, and leave footprints. He gave me a voice so that I could speak...but I never did. I once let a man dictate my every breath, direct my every step, and dominate my very existence. He hurt me, abused me, broke me down, then built me up, killed me then resurrected me, cut me then stitched me up, stripped me then clothed me, grew me then mold me...
but I was too strong, too smart, and too brave.
I knew better than to leave him, than to ever try and deceive him, but that's the same reason I'm here today...because I'm too strong, too smart, and too brave. I knew better than to leave him and I knew better than to deceive Him....God...He made me for a purpose, not to be worthless, and never to spend time and energy on something that was worth less than the riches I've been blessed with. I'm rich in His presence and there's nothing any man could claim to bless me with, and there's nothing man can test me with that my God would want me to stress with. With man it is impossible but not with God for with God all things are possible. Remember that in the midst of any and every obstacle. Love yourself and don't expect someone else to do it. Don't try to fight your Goliaths by yourself when you've got God to help you through it.
Stay strong...stay smart...and be brave.
Freedom is God given...man makes you a slave. Domestic violence is the whip, lack of self and support are the chains. So rise up and don't be defeated, do not quit, succeed it, when it comes to domestic violence...no pun intended...just beat it.
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Blame - 8/4/08
There is always a way 4 my name 2 fill the blank when the question is asked who's to blame?
My mind is in a constant state of pessimism. Negative insight can be seen in the sight of many when they see the site of me.
I'm misunderstood.
But- the way people look at me is clearly a correct perception + reflection of me, becuz it is me constantly in a state of lacrimation and me, I, Danitra then take that - meaning their interpretations - or my imagination twists their contemplations in2 fuel 4 my ever flowing frustrations.
I can't get over myself - in a bad way.
God says I am 4given but my flesh has another say.
Though I'm in this world not of this world the world is fightin 4 me. Tryin 2 damage my mind + corrupt it into thinking faith is not the heavenly key.
I'm hurtin.
This can't be me but everything is God's plan - I'm so happy yet hatin myself so I just don't understand. But I guess nobody really can.
All I can say is soon I'll be okay maybe not 2morrow or 2day. But the lord keeps tellin me the best is yet 2 come so don't throw it away. Just wait.
Next time I'm asked if I'm okay, I'll just say not yet.
I'm waiting on the day that I can live + not regret.
And that day is just not here yet...
Monday, October 13, 2014
16 Haikus for you
Thursday, October 09, 2014
Thursday, October 02, 2014
For my Great-Grandpa
But...I do believe we're falling short of his greatness, fighting to achieve nothing while fighting each other with obscenities, posting statuses and talking down to one another as though we're not all fam and we don't already have enough enemies. Is this what my great-grandpa gave birth to? Even if you say it's not, that's how it seems. Spending so much time bickering we're not catering to our loved ones needs and maybe if we were, the majority of us wouldn't be hurting. My great-grandpa was a man to celebrate but we only cared when we had time and when we finally found the time we also found it was too late.
Funerals bring families together from near and from afar. I would think living in the same proximity does that but I guess that belief is sub-par. I love my family with all my heart and I definitely love my great-grandpa, but looking around....I don't recognize ya'll. This ain't what I remember...I'm kinda glad my great-grandpa stopped remembering because this ain't something that I would want him to see. If he were to remember the seeds he planted he woulda also known that the roots seem to be dying and so with that great-grandpa...Rest in Peace.
Monday, September 29, 2014
Friday, September 26, 2014
Business, bravery, babies born, and blood shed
Cultures converged collectively as one
Death from all different direction, with dishonesty, and disgrace to be dismissed
Evil things and deeds on this place we call Earth with little ecstatic energy
Families, friends, and fake followers with fiery and furious facades
Good, gracious, and sometimes greedy feelings gather inside of me
Humor, hiding, and hateful messages heard here and there
Intelligent individuals interested in improving imperfection.
Jealousy and joy through a living journey
Kind kinfolk keeping me safe and happy
Love and lies, a long learning experience
Music and media are many masterpieces/massacres made by man
Negative news throughout the nation a natural nuisance to my ears
Overly ostracized from the inside to the outdoors
Proud people full of plenty personality, sometimes too much and it's a pity
Quite a couple quarrels quashed quietly and completely
Relentless, rowdy, and ruthless behavior from wrong doing teens
Sorrow, salvaging, surprises and sports are things found under our sky
Tinkles of turmoil, terror, and treachery throughout this world trapped in a twilight zone
United States we live in under a God to whom we pledge though we are unusually unconcerned for each other we still say we're as one
Very valuable, vivacious, and timid our lives should be varnished and revived
Wishing, wondering, waiting to be welcome in the world
X-rays should be enhanced so we can look into our lives and realize that we may fall and we may rise
Yesterday will never come again so make yours live till today
Zooming through our lives can make us miss our zeniths so we should make them zesty
*written by my 8th grade self*
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
With it you can express anything
Some emotions may sprout from what people write
Happiness, sadness, joy, and even spite
There are no limitations to what you can say
To hear the things you feel, many people will pay
Music is poetry a thing we all love
For those who know and can see above
Poetry can be very fun
So go out and try to write some.
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Through music, acting, singing, drawing, writing, and speaking.
All these things bring happiness, sadness, and many thoughts
Art is a part of all of our lives.
As human beings we are art.
Art is everything.
Monday, September 22, 2014
R. M. S. (For my bestfriend)
Maurice is his middle name, that is what he goes by
Silly, strange, and extremely special, that explains
Why he acts so stupid
D. R. P.
Reliable, Respectful, yet rowdy she really is
Positive, proud, and full of pride
Poetically perfect in every way
Saturday, September 20, 2014
PLEASE SUPPORT #RT #RT "This is the Dedication Page of my book"
The reason why I chose this dedication was
that I've done a lot for myself. I've never
turned my back on me and I lived my life.
No one else lived my life for me, made my decisions,
influenced, or wrote this book. I did it
all, that's why I dedicate this book to me.
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
I want
Saturday, September 13, 2014
Thursday, September 11, 2014
March 16, 2011
That same amount were lies.
Numerous nights I've been forced to wipe tears from my eyes but I always go back.
I always go back to the hurt...
I always go back to the heartache...
I always go back to the pain...
it pulls me back, I'm attached, like a fixture, like an immovable structure...a monument...
because throughout time the story I tell remains the same.
He loves me, he loves me not, he leaves me now me is all I got, time and time again.
Addicted to this game...think I'm winning but I lose.
But that's what I choose to do...
I place myself in these positions...it's an illness that can't be fixed with prescriptions.
It's an addiction.
Without this false sense of security I find in most men...I shake, I tremble, I can't breathe.
I'm trying to stay with him but it's way passed my time to leave.
I want to be free but... I can't.
I'll never change.
Addicted to the hurt, addicted to the game, I'm addicted to heartache, I'm addicted to pain.
Monday, September 08, 2014
Monday, August 25, 2014
Desiring satisfactions that were not pure and wanting interactions that were fulfilling only to the temporary state.
But as I sit and look at people more and more...those people I once adored...I see so much more.
It's like a light has illuminated their imperfections...
But it's those flaws that are the most alluring.
The thing us people have in common is in fact the dirt that we're made from...
and dirt....being a part of nature...is one of the purest forms of beauty.
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
February 11, 2010
Most love poems I've read are happy; filled with fascinations, infatuations, and I love this about hers and hims. But I have yet to read a love poem that contains the arguments, fights, and struggles within.
We all have em and we all go through em and if your love doesn't well shoot I say screw em because there's no foundation.
When building any structure you start from the bottom then make your way to the top, but if you already at the peak then what exactly do you got?
You can't take it any higher and I don't know about you but to me that's boring. Some of the greatest moments in my life have come from overcoming. That is the greatest feeling...
you know they say love conquers all but with nothing to conquer your love is nothing at all.
Oh yeah good times are great but they'll turn bad if you can't recover from a fall.
That's what love is.
It's when it ain't all about he/she makes me feel good about myself, you should already feel good about yourself, and love them for who they are, it shouldn't be about anyone else.
Remove you from the equation and see what you have left. And if there's nothing then there's nothing put them phony feelings back on the shelf it wasn't love...it ain't love...it is not love....and this...ain't a love poem.
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
My Prayer 8-28-08
I know it's coming, but I know it has not reached me yet.
God - I'm tired -
I feel your works being done but I also feel the devil's work workin against you.
God - I'm hurtin -
Physically I'm tired and emotionally I'm drained
I'm in pain
God - I'm sorry
I feel as though I am a disgrace to your name and not worthy of your grace but you forgave
God - I thank you
Though I feel all these sorrows are infinite and never ending I know one day I will not feel this way.
One day I will see I am and always will be more than I am because my life is in your hands and you'll never steer me wrong.
You will make me strong.
But for now I know I'm where I belong.
It's hard to accept
but nevertheless
God - I'm stayin with you every step
Monday, August 11, 2014
Not to kno what's going on in the minds of those who surround you
It's awkward
Who should initiate, who should go first, not even knowing if the others are willing 2 participate
But they already are participating in this game.
This challenge, this test of patience.
This silence.